Science – Future of Lithuania / Mokslas – Lietuvos Ateitis, Vol 1, No 2 (2009)

Some Aspects of Wood Use in the Architecture of Lithuania in the Soviet Period

Arnoldas Gabrėnas


The paper analyses wood use in a certain period of time. It is maintained that wood was used only for the smallest dwelling houses in the first decades of the soviet period. It is noted that, though until the end of the 7th decade there were many attempts to find coherence with traditional folk architecture, wood as a building material was practically replaced by other materials. However, at the end of the 7th decade worldwide ideas of regionalism „genius loci“ and modernism again encouraged the architects of Lithuania to use wood. Since that time the typology of wooden or partly wooden buildings and their geography expanded.
Although the soviet wooden architecture is spare, it is exclusive, interesting and important in the history of the Lithuanian architecture and demands more attention of researchers.

Article in Lithuanian

Article in: English

Article published: 2011-04-11

Keyword(s): wood architecture; traditions; stylization; tendency; material

DOI: 10.3846/mla.2009.2.14

Full Text: PDF pdf

Science – Future of Lithuania / Mokslas – Lietuvos Ateitis ISSN 2029-2341, eISSN 2029-2252
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