Science – Future of Lithuania / Mokslas – Lietuvos Ateitis, Vol 6, No 4 (2014)

Insulation Expedience of the External Envelopes of the Building in Terms of 2E Criteria

Mantas Kijevičius (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania)
Kęstutis Valančius (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania)


The paper analyses the insulation expediency of the external envelopes of the building with reference to 2E (energy – primary energy consumption and environmental – CO2 emissions) criteria and presents an overview of thermal insulation and studies on other structural elements based on life cycle analysis. The object of research is a typical residential building. The article determines different insulation materials of external envelopes, primary energy consumption and CO2 emissions by insulating walls from F to B and from B to A ++ class. Graphical interpretation shows primary energy, CO2 and the payback period of 60 years. Also, the paper considers primary energy and CO2 emissions distributed at various life cycle stages.

Article in: Lithuanian

Article published: 2014-10-24

Keyword(s): insulation materials; life cycle analysis; 2E criteria; primary energy; CO2 emissions; SimaPro.

DOI: 10.3846/mla.2014.56

Full Text: PDF pdf

Science – Future of Lithuania / Mokslas – Lietuvos Ateitis ISSN 2029-2341, eISSN 2029-2252
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