Science – Future of Lithuania / Mokslas – Lietuvos Ateitis, Vol 3, No 6 (2011)

Optical Coatings Formed by Gradient Refractive Index Materials

Kęstutis Juškevičius
Simonas Kičas
Tomas Tolenis
Rytis Buzelis
Ramutis Drazdys


Recent advances in ion beam sputtering technology enabled efficient deposition of different oxide mixture coatings. In the present investigation, coating materials ZrO2 and SiO2 were utilized for the synthesis of different mixtures. The goal of the conducted investigation was to explore the potential of ZrO2/SiO2 mixtures, especially for applications in the range of the UV spectral. Deposited dielectric mirrors having classical quarter-wave and “rised” design with ZrO2/SiO2 mixture for 266 nm and 355 nm showed good resistance to laser radiation.
We also investigated the “fatigue” behavior of LIDT’s in LBO crystals with single, dual and triple wavelength anti-reflective coatings (AR@355, AR@532+1064 and AR@355+532+1064) in order to optimize design and layer materials. The influence of gradient refractive index profiles on damage resistance is of a special interest. We selected a few designs of antireflective coatings which demonstrated the best resistance to laser radiation.
An experimental study on rugate filter coatings showed the need for a more accurate characterization of optical properties of metal oxides and their corresponding mixtures.

Article in Lithuanian

Article in: Lithuanian

Article published: 2012-01-03

Keyword(s): rugate coatings, metal oxides and their mixtures, LBP crystals, notch filters

DOI: 10.3846/mla.2011.119

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Science – Future of Lithuania / Mokslas – Lietuvos Ateitis ISSN 2029-2341, eISSN 2029-2252
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