Science – Future of Lithuania / Mokslas – Lietuvos Ateitis, Vol 7, No 4 (2015)

Experimental researches and comparison on aerodynamic parameters and cleaning efficiency of multi-level multi-channel cyclone

Aleksandras Chlebnikovas (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania)
Pranas Baltrėnas (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania)


Multi-level multi-channel cyclone – the lately designed air cleaning device that can remove ultra-fine 20 μm particulatematter (PM) from dusted air and reach over 95% of the overall cleaning efficiency. Multi-channel cyclone technology is based on centrifugal forces and has the resulting additional filtering process operation. Multi-level structure of cyclone allows to achieve higher air flow cleaning capacity at the same dimensions of the device, thus saving installation space required for the job, production and operating costs. Studies have examined the air flow parameters change in one–, two– and three–levels multichannel cyclone. These constructions differ according to the productivity of cleaned air under the constant peripheral and transitional (50/50 case) air flow relations. Accordance with the results of air flow dynamics – velocity distribution of multi-channel cyclone, aerodynamic resistance and efficiency can be judged on the flow turbulence, the flow channel cross-section and select the most appropriate application. Cleaning efficiency studies were carried out using fine granite and wood ashes PM. The maximum cleaning efficiency was 93.3%, at an average of 4.5 g/m3, the aerodynamic resistance was equal to 1525 Pa.

Article in: Lithuanian

Article published: 2015-09-29

Keyword(s): multi-level cyclone; velocity; aerodynamic resistance; cleaning efficiency; particulate matter.

DOI: 10.3846/mla.2015.805

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Science – Future of Lithuania / Mokslas – Lietuvos Ateitis ISSN 2029-2341, eISSN 2029-2252
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